It is always difficult to get pictures that do justice to models of this calibre at a public event, due to lighting conditions and limited access without making special arrangements. Time limitations prevented getting images of many of the exhibits, but that in no way suggests they were any less worthy than the those shown on these pages. Visiting the Harrogate Show in person is by far the better way to appreciate the magnitude of the experience. I had a splendid time - it was well worth my 9,000-mile round trip. The images on these pages offer only a hint of the level of workmanship displayed at the 2007 exhibition. I express my appreciation to the countless people who stepped aside momentarily to allow this ordinary visitor to get a clear shot with my camera.
More pictures from Harrogate 2007.
I will finish with some casual pictures of the vibrant activity on opening day - Friday, May 11.
A splendid show indeed!
Harrogate Show 2007 first page